
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Upavesasana - Squat Sitting Down Pose

This pose is beneficial to IC Patients who have Pelvic and rectum pain.

The pelvic floor can be contacted easily in this position, where it works synergistically to initiate exhaling, and releases some tone in response to the downward pressure exerted by the thoracic diaphragm when inhaling.


Pelvic floor: Obturator internus, levator ani. Isometrically: piriformis, obturator externus, two gemelli, quadratus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus (long head). The legs should stay active; otherwise the deep fexion tend to collapse the hip joints, making it more challenging to activate the pelvic floor.

Lumbricals, quadratus plantae, adductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis flexor digitorum brevis, opponens and flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi.


Adductor longus, adductor brevis, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris.

Obstacles and Notes:
The inability to dorsiflex the ankle deeply enough to keep the heels on the floor can be due to shortness in Achilles tendon (specifically the soleus, in this position); however, restriction can also be in the front of the ankle. A quick fix is available by using support under the heels, but it's important not to become too reliant on it, because it will prevent activation of the intrinsic muscles of the feet, which stabilizes the arches, allows deeper flexion in the ankle, and aligns the bones of the foot and knee joint.

Remember to breathe while performing your pose(s). This pose offers opportunity to powerfully lengthen all three curves of the spine. By definition this usually engages the deep support in the arches of the feet which energetically feeds into the lifting action of the pelvic floor and lower abdominal muscles. The bracing of the elbows against the knees allows for the strong lengthening of the spine and lifting of the base of the rib cage and respiratory diaphragm.

Before you get into a squatting pose practicing some deep breathing.

Next practice a standing pose.

Standing Pose
  • While inhaling, clasp your hands as shown and raise both hands slowly upwards. Both the palms are facing upwards.

  • Retain breath, slowly lift your heels so that you stand on your toes. Stretch all of your body upwards as far as possible. Keep your legs and arms straight (no bending).

  • While exhaling, slowly bring your hands down. Bring your heels on the floor as in starting position.


  • Repeat this asana 2 to 3 times. Try to increase the duration you can stay in this asana.

  • After sufficient practice, while you are standing on your toes, take 4 steps forward and 4 steps backwards. This will improve your grace while walking.


  • This asana increases height.

  • The vertebral column and heart are strengthened. Good for regulating the menstrual cycle.

  • Cures indigestion.

  • Strengthens arms and legs and helps to remove lethargy.

If your pregnant or you have a physical issue it is best to use pillows to squat.


1. From a standing position with the feet 3 feet apart, bend the elbows at shoulder height and turn the palms facing each other. Turn the feet out 45 degrees facing the corners of the room, and as you exhale bend the knees over the toes squatting down.

2. Press the hips forward, press the knees back. Drop the shoulders down and back and press the chest toward the front of the room. Keep the arms active, as if they were holding a big ball over your head. Look straight ahead with the chin parallel to the floor.

3. Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths.

4. To release: inhale and straighten the legs, reaching the fingertips to the ceiling, then exhale the arms to the sides.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Goddess Squat pose opens the hips and chest while strengthening and toning the lower body. Goddess pose stimulates the uro-genital, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips or shoulders.

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